Cave diving discovery day

An adventure beyond time, an unforgettable experience!

A full day will be dedicated to the discovery of the resurgences and diving under ceilings. You will cross for the first time the door of this dark and yet fascinating world, the underground submerge world

For you... Excellent! contact us, we will take care of everything

For a friend? .... An exclusive gift voucher (valid for one year) will be sent to you by e-mail. You only need to print it offer it!

The Lot is probably the most suitable place in Europe, the water is at 12/14 ° all year round, the visibility can go beyond 20m (subject to weather changes), and we guarantee you that this experience will remain engraved in your “best diving memories....

You can even come accompanied by family and / or friends, the region is full of nice and known places to visit: Rocamadour, Padirac, La Cave .. The littles ones will be also part of the party? Lots of, fun for them! The Monkey forest, the Bees house, the Zoo, the Tree Adventures and the Aquatic park (only in the summer), the best ice creams of the region are only at five minutes drive. 

We will start the day at the filling station, after a welcome briefing, explanations on the specificity of the overhead evironement, we will leave for this beautiful adventure through the valleys to access the local caves. The dive sites are always located in magical places!

A unique opportunity that will undoubtedly serve as a big step for your future trainings...

Two differents cave diving site will be offered during the day (depending of wheater cast)

Make a great gift! Offer an unforgettable day to one to your beloved ones!


AOW or equivalent (Cmas 2 *, level 2 ...), 20 to 30 dives, a good control of your buoyancy, a valid insurance ( DAN or from your federation) and medical statement updated (less than 1 year)

Take your personal equipment: diving suit either dry suit or 7mm neoprene (water at 13/14 °), hood, little gloves, fins, mask, a good primary light.

A snack for lunch (no alcohol between the two dives), but you can have an aperitif after!! ;-)


Morning briefing about cave diving specifics thecnics and differences between open water and overhead dives, equipment checking, transport to dive sites, lunch in between dives on site or after the two dives.


170 € including:

Specific gear: twin set with manifolds, air fills, backplate, harness, wings, regulators, weights ...

Briefing, transportation to sites, air fillings for you and your instructor, supervision during your 2 dives ...

Suppl:  nitrox  32 (+ 8 € )

Note: The specific material gives you an idea of ​​the configuration in which you will find yourself during your future courses. If you prefer to dive with your own equipment (stab, 15L single tank double outlets, regulators) because you feel you will be more comfortable for the dive, there are no worries. In this case, we will inflate your tanks for free.